• 100% Online

    This course is 100% flexible allowing you to study at your own pace. If life gets busy, no problem! Come back to this program any time & pick up where you left off.

  • Nutrition, Coaching & Business

    We'll teach you
    ✓ the fundamentals of nutrition
    ✓ how to master the art of coaching
    ✓ how to set up your business & manage your clients

  • Earn CEU's

    We're one of few nutrition course providers offering CEU's through NASM, AFAA and CrossFit Inc.

Struggling to get results?

Are your clients struggling to get results despite your best efforts? 

If you're a trainer or gym owner, you'll know that client retention depends on your client satisfaction. You might have the best programming in town but if your clients aren't taking care of their nutrition then that training is only going to get them so far. 

The problem with most nutrition programs is that they require restrictions and don't teach your clients anything valuable that they can apply in the real world, like at restaurants and social gatherings. 

Flexible Eating is tried and tested, the most successful approach we've had with the thousands of clients we've trained. It even worked well for ourselves too!  

Not only did it help us improve the health of thousands of people, but it allowed us to build a successful, online, recurring membership program that earned $10k+ per month!

Our course will teach you how you can easily do the same. 

For a Limited Time

Get a FREE paperback or digital copy of The Definitive Guide to Flexible Eating

This Course will allow you to leverage the powers of nutrition, help people look & feel better and find financial freedom.


Fully accredited by NASM, AFAA & CrossFit Inc.


Who is This Program For?

✅ Crossfit or gym owners looking to add more revenue, or simply improve member’s results.

✅ Personal trainers or coaches wanting to help their clients get better results.

✅ Anyone wanting to learn more about the fundamentals of nutrition and nutrition coaching.

✅ Anyone wanting to improve their health and fitness.

✅ Entrepreneurs wanting to start their own business.

✅ Anyone wanting to start a home business or work anywhere remotely.

✅ Anyone looking to supplement their current income with a flexible workload.

✅ People who care about others & enjoy helping others reach their goals.


The Own Your Eating Nutrition Certificate Course is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow educational program that will provide you with all of the knowledge you need to understand the fundamentals of nutrition.

This course is designed to be completed over the course of 4 weeks and is presented in a 100% online format for your convenience. You can move through each module of our curriculum entirely at your own pace, so you can take as long as you need!

Each module is concisely broken down, to give you exactly what you need to know without getting lost or too bogged down in all the science – we know you’re not trying to perform heart surgery here so we’re not going to throw a copy of Gray’s Anatomy at you! 😉 At the end of each module, there will be a short quiz to make sure you’ve “digested” the most important information.

Although science is important, we also believe in tried and tested methods. So we’ll be sharing with you everything we’ve learned about nutrition from our own self-experiments, and the experience of our clients and coaches too.

Not only that, but we’ll be giving you all the practical and theoretical tools you’ll need to actually become a good coach. Maybe you already know the ins and outs of Gray’s Anatomy, but developing the art of coaching is an entirely different beast! Do you know what to do when your client:

  • says they have too much going on and they want to quit;
  • keeps sabotaging their weekends;
  • is losing motivation because the scale isn’t moving;
  • consistently overeats at nighttime;
  • can’t get more than 5 hours sleep a night;
  • is afraid of fruit (you may laugh but it happens!);
  • seems to be doing everything right but nothing’s changing;
  • expects to “transform” after 2 weeks of tracking;
  • wants to lose 50 lbs. in 2 months;
  • drinks less than 20 oz. of water a day;
  • has a melt-down because they don’t know how to track on vacation?!

These are just a handful of the types of things we help clients deal with and overcome on a daily basis. We’re going to set you up for success so that you feel comfortable knowing how to!

By the end of this course, you’ll feel confident and empowered to take your own nutrition to the next level and help others do the same. You’ll also be well on your way to setting up your own successful nutrition business and making an income from doing something that you are deeply passionate about. Having the flexibility to build your own business and be your own boss is a hugely rewarding aspect of this business as not only are you improving the quality of other people’s lives, but you’re also improving the quality of your own.


Upon completion of the Own Your Eating certificate course, you’ll have all the nutrition know-how and the business strategies you need to start putting your coaching into practice. Start building your legacy TODAY!


What This Course Includes

Once enrolled, you’ll get an email with your login credentials. Here’s a summary of what you can expect:

  • An online course that lasts about 4 weeks;
  • 8 modules you can work through at your own pace;
  • Quizzes after every module to help reinforce all the information;
  • Clear & concise information that you can understand & feel confident using – no overwhelming science jargon or information that isn’t relevant;
  • Coaching templates you can use with your clients;
  • The science behind the Own Your Eating approach;
  • Learn how to adopt flexible eating for yourself or teach others;
  • Theoretical tools for coaching;
  • Practical tools for coaching;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • How to run your own nutrition business;
  • Online business basics;
  • A final online exam;
  • A certificate of completion available for you to download;
  • An Own Your Eating coach seal for you to display on your own website.

Now also includes a BONUS private, Facebook support group for students and graduates. 

For a Limited Time

Get a FREE paperback or digital copy of The Definitive Guide to Flexible Eating

Testimonials & Reviews

Practical & easy to follow

by Lucinda Griffith

"I thoroughly enjoyed your course! The modules are to the point and easy to follow. I loved that the course was such practical instruction without getting lost in the 'science' aspects which tend to lose one's interest and make things muddy. Really well done! Thank you for a great course, and I would absolutely recommend it to others"

Worth the investment!

by Cory Bradshaw, CrossFit Unicus

"I recently completed the Nutrition Certificate Course and would absolutely recommend it to anyone. Whether you are looking to become a nutrition coach or simply help yourself attain your own nutrition goals it is definitely worth the money. With the course being online and being able to work at your own pace it suits the busy lifestyles we all have. Give it a try you will not be disappointed!"

I really liked the course!

by Natalia Diez, CrossFit Seminar Staff

It goes from basic and necessary information, to implementation of your own business. Great for people who might want to coach one-on-one! I have loved all the material that is applicable to your work and the documents that you can download.

Awesome Course!

by Maggie Fogel, Bainbridge Island CrossFit

"I just completed the OYE Nutrition Certificate course and I can't wait to get going! The material was written in easy to follow modules that allowed me to digest and complete at my own pace and fit into my very busy schedule. I appreciated their flow, from the science to the flexible eating nutritional groundwork, followed by practical and theoretical tips to well-rounded business best practices. I am a big fan of the real language (Don't eat like an asshole!) and of the many brief articles/videos linked to drive home the content. Lastly, I feel set up for success with the many helpful client-facing forms included with the course. Would definitely recommend this course to other coaches."

I learned a lot!

by Tony Claassen, CrossFit Branson

"I thoroughly enjoyed the Own Your Eating nutrition course. I especially appreciate the science and the real life experiences used to back up the lessons. I will certainly be better prepared to help my family, friends, fellow box members, and even myself with information I’ve learned."

Best way to start your nutrition journey!

by Hasmeet Kaur

"The course has been a great way for me to start learning about nutrition. The flow of the modules, the description of all the components covered are amazingly presented. It really helps you understand the foods around you and how it can benefit your body. Most importantly it breaks the myth of dieting and following only certain types of food to attain your goal towards a healthy lifestyle. You can be a foodie and still be healthy at it. I am so happy that I took this up :) "

Simple & Informative!

by Emily Gibson

The modules were very easy to follow and packed full of information. Not only did the course cover the different aspects of nutrition, but it also provided training and resources on becoming a better coach for your clients. No doubt a course that will help me on my own journey to better health, along with those that I have the opportunity to coach.

5 stars!

by Melissa Monroe

The course was so informative not just on macronutrients and flexible eating but also the piece about coaching and managing the business side. The tools and resources provided are really encouraging and supportive when looking at starting to coach others. I loved being able to move at my own pace and enjoyed the overall process.

Great Information

by Bobbi Duckers

I really enjoyed the Own your eating nutrition certificate course. I did it in about 2 days because I wanted to get started right away. The information was clear and not overwhelming. A word of advice read the questions carefully!!!

Best Continuing Education Course Yet!

by Karrie Bloomquist

Truly one of the best continuing education courses I have participated in. Honestly, better than any I have taken with NASM. Presentation is down to earth and realistic. Solid training. Highly recommend!

Course curriculum

  • 2

    The Science Behind the Own Your Eating Approach

  • 3

    How to Adopt Flexible Eating

    • Calculating Macronutrients

    • Getting Started with Tracking

    • The 80/20 Approach

    • Macro-Dominant foods

    • Alcohol

    • More than Macros

    • Tips for Successful Macro Tracking

    • Balance and Recover

    • Module 3 - Check Your Learning

  • 4

    How to Integrate Nutrition with Fitness

    • Principles of Training

    • Meal Timing - Pre and Post Workout

    • Summary

    • Module 4 - Check Your Learning

  • 5

    Theoretical Tools for Coaching

    • Resistance to Change

    • What’s in a Habit?

    • The 5 Whys

    • Active Listening Skills

    • The Expectations Conversation

    • BONUS - Willpower

    • Module 5 - Check Your Learning

  • 6

    Practical Tools for Coaching Clients

    • Goal Setting

    • Positive Self-Talk

    • Scalability - Client Types

    • Client Meetings & Interviews

    • Handling Plateaus - Advanced Nutrition Strategies

    • Additional Tools to Keep Progressing

    • Module 6 - Check Your Learning

  • 7

    Best Practices in Running your Own Your Eating Programs

    • Services to Offer & Scope of Practice

    • Pricing Your Services

    • Payment Options

    • Client Onboarding

    • Providing Support and Accountability

    • Module 7 - Check Your Learning

  • 8

    Online Business Basics

    • Your Client Avatar

    • Social Media Basics

    • Email Marketing

    • Website Creation and E-commerce

    • Closing

    • Module 8 - Check Your Learning

  • 9

    Bonus Video Content

    • Beginner Macro Video

    • Intermediate Macro Video

    • Advanced Macro Video

    • Psychology Video

  • 10

    Bonus eBook Content

  • 11

    Final Exam

    • Instructions

    • Final Quiz


Founder, Head Coach

Jason Ackerman

Jason is a three-time CrossFit affiliate owner (Albany CrossFit, CrossFit Soulshine and CrossFit Clifton Park) with over 25-years’ experience in health and fitness. He rose through the ranks on the CrossFit seminar circuit to take a position as a Level 4 Trainer on the CrossFit seminar staff; an elite team of coaches who mentor aspiring trainers, CrossFitters and affiliate owners. Jason graduated with a Masters in Psychology which has served to excel his natural aptitude in the art of coaching. Jason has helped thousands of people lose weight and create a healthier relationship with food. As a former competitive wrestler and bodybuilder, Jason not only knows how to achieve specific lean bodyweight and sports performance related goals, but he understands the psyche and mindset behind the process. Jason’s ability to empathize and connect personally with his clients is attributable to his own experiences and deep understanding of the psychology of nutrition. Jason’s coaching will help you identify your biggest obstacles in life and set you up for success in overcoming them.


Rozlyn (Glanfield) Ackerman

Roz Ackerman is a PN Level 2 certified nutritionist, a CrossFit L1 trainer and a certified Yoga Instructor with Yoga Alliance. Roz is one of the founders of Own Your Eating, an online nutrition company that provides nutrition coaching and educational resources about fitness and diet. The Own Your Eating nutrition program and prescription is all inclusive but is specifically directed at helping every-day people with busy lives, to achieve transformative change without restrictive dieting or hours in the gym. You do not need to avoid carbs or do fasted cardio to lose weight! Roz is committed to dispelling dieting industry myths and dismantling the fear they have created about certain types of food. If you can’t enjoy a donut or some ice cream any day of the week then you need to break yourself out of your diet and live life again! Roz’s coaching approach is holistic as she believes that improving your nutrition is not just about improving the quality of the food you eat, but it’s also about rebuilding a healthy relationship with food and a loving respect for your body.
Watch Intro Video


Get Started Today!

  • $599.00

    Own Your Eating Nutrition Certificate Course

    Enroll Now
  • 4 Payments of $165

    4-Month Payment Plan

    Enroll Now

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